Embark Trucks - Software Engineer, Developer Experience

At Embark Trucks, I was a software engineer on the developer experience team, tasked with ensuring all the systems all the product-facing engineers relied upon were running smoothly. My main project was focused on moving the legacy Jenkins infrastructure based on static EC2s over to auto-scaling and ephemeral Kubernetes pods. This was projected to save 30% of our related cloud spend and reduce maintainence toil.

We partnered heavily with our cloud infrastructure and data teams, where I got hands-on experience with Kubernetes management, Terraform state migrations, and what it means to manage actual hardware on the roads.

Capital One - Software Engineer

Previously, a DevOps-focused software engineer at Capital One, focusing on bringing best practices to legacy teams. I achieved large cost-savings and faster development cycles by automating infrastructure and and code deployments. A big portion of my development work was centered around building out CI/CD pipelines, enabling teams to build and deploy their applications as seamlessly as possible. I’m a big proponent of InnerSourcing, and spent a portion of my days contributing to internal dev tools and maintaining our Homebrew tap.

Western Digital - Big Data Intern

During the 2017 Summer, I interned at Western Digital on their Big Data Platform, working on projects for better cloud-resource tracking, automation at scale, and containerization projects.


I was heavily involved with mathematical and numerical research, particularly on a modern version of the Procrustes Problem. Alongside Dr. Steven Damelin, I worked on creating a point-set matching algorithm based off his papers with Dr. Charles Fefferman.

ATLAS Collaboration

I previously worked on the ATLAS detector on the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva through the University of Michigan’s Physics department. My responsibilities focused on analysis of data reconstruction and leveraging CERN-specific toolkits for measuring detector performance.